How the Past Can Haunt Your Credit Score

If you’ve been trying to get your credit affairs together, yet having no luck there’s probably a good explanation for it. Many times people pay their debts on time and keep their balances low, yet for some reason never see…

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Here’s What You Can Legally Dispute On Your Credit Report

If you’re wondering what you can dispute on your credit report, the answer is pretty much anything. The most common disputes you can make include: Wrong Identity Information: If you see anywhere on your credit report that shows a wrong…

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Which Do Lenders Prefer: Credit Score or Credit Report?

Considering that the big thing you hear about are credit scores, you may think that that matters more to lenders than anything else. That’s not true. Lenders actually take a deeper look at your credit report to determine your creditworthiness….

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Get Control Of Interest Rates In Two Simple Steps

Are you throwing a lot of money at your credit card debt, but aren’t seeing a difference? This is common where the borrower may be making the monthly payments on time, but still seeing a high balance. Most of the…

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