Avoid Using Loans for These Financial Issues

Loans make it feel like debts can be easily paid off, and it can be incredibly tempting to take out loans to solve your financial troubles. However, it’s not always worthwhile. Here are some times where taking out a personal…

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Top Credit Cards for Small Businesses

Starting a small business is stressful, and figuring out the type of card to use can be a tough decision to make, what with so many options out there. Here are a few that are a good place for small…

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3 Great Cash Back Credit Cards

Is there anything more invigorating than receiving money for spending money on your credit card? If this sounds like the sort of deal that’s up your alley, then you’d probably be interested in a cash back credit card. These are…

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5 Steps to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Do you have more than $10,000 in credit card debt? You’re not alone. Over half of Americans are in the same boat with you. It may seem daunting to find a way to pay it off, but here are 5…

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Saving on Your Insurance

Insurance policies and rates are quite stressful, but even making slight changes can really help save money. Here are some tips on how to proceed with doing that. Look around for new insurance premiums. Research bundle options. Make your deductible…

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