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How the Past Can Haunt Your Credit Score
How the Past Can Haunt Your Credit Score

If you’ve been trying to get your credit affairs together, yet having no luck there’s probably a good...

Here’s What You Can Legally Dispute On Your Credit Report
Here’s What You Can Legally Dispute On Your Credit Report

If you’re wondering what you can dispute on your credit report, the answer is pretty much anything. The...

Which Do Lenders Prefer: Credit Score or Credit Report?
Which Do Lenders Prefer: Credit Score or Credit Report?

Considering that the big thing you hear about are credit scores, you may think that that matters more...

How To Tell If A Credit Card Has Been Opened In Your Name
How To Tell If A Credit Card Has Been Opened In Your Name

With identity theft running rampant, it’s important to be on your toes when it comes to your credit....

Get Control Of Interest Rates In Two Simple Steps
Get Control Of Interest Rates In Two Simple Steps

Are you throwing a lot of money at your credit card debt, but aren’t seeing a difference? This...

Important Questions To Ask Your Credit Card Company
Important Questions To Ask Your Credit Card Company

As a credit customer, it’s easy to feel like your credit card company is a dictatorship. Whatever they...

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